Food Assistance from FYCO
Help from other sources
This information is for other organizations in our area who may be able to assist. While we make every effort to keep these sections updated, it would be advisable to contact these agencies to confirm current practices.


Here is the quarterly list of all food distributions. Every household may come to the food pantry one time per month and the farm wagon both times per month.

FOOD pantry

Distributions days and times are on a set schedule every month:
First Wednesday of the month from 11am-1pm
Third Tuesday of the month from 5pm-7pm
Every household is welcome to shop one time per month as we strive to provide nutritious food to anyone in need. We are a fully client choice pantry and our volunteers are ready to help you select the items that best suit your family's needs.

Farm Wagon

Distributions days and times are on a set schedule every month:
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at approximately 9am
Clients are welcome to attend the farm wagon every time it is open. This is a drive through distribution that is provided by Community Harvest Food Bank. CHFB's goal is to provide clients with fresh food choices including fresh fruits and vegetables as well as dairy products as they are available.

Senior Food Program - CSFP
- Application
- Proof of age (MUST BE 60 or older): state issued ID
- Proof of residency (MUST live in Indiana): state issued ID, lease, SS determination letter, utility bill within 60 days of enrollment date
- Proof of income for every member of the household: SS determination letter, pension, check stubs, etc.
Contact us at 260-495-4122 ext 103 or via email at to sign up.

Community Outreach Program
information coming soon

Veteran services Program
information coming soon

Food Assistance

Special thanks to: Lesli Hall - Pleasant Township Trustee and Michelle at FCUCC for compiling and updating this list!

General assistance

Special thanks to: Lesli Hall - Pleasant Township Trustee and Michelle at FCUCC for compiling and updating this list!

Health CARE

Special thanks to: Lesli Hall - Pleasant Township Trustee and Michelle at FCUCC for compiling and updating this list!

HOUSING services

Special thanks to: Lesli Hall - Pleasant Township Trustee and Michelle at FCUCC for compiling and updating this list!


Special thanks to: Lesli Hall - Pleasant Township Trustee and Michelle at FCUCC for compiling and updating this list!